1/800, f11, 27mm |
Curves. I took the image above when out looking for curves, of which there are certainly many in the resulting image, but the overall dominance is of complete circles, rather than curves. I do like this photo, but as the exercise is for curves I have discounted it for the exercise.
All the photos for this exercise are in
this Flickr set
The first image showing curves is of some fountains in Lincolns Inn Fields, London.
1/60, f11, 200mm |
When I took the photo, the weather was poor and the raw image lacked contrast as there was quite a haze visible. I wanted to make sure that the movement of the water was the feature of the image and ensure that the bows of the tree formed a natural frame to the water. By enhancing the contrast and saturation as well as adjusting the curves, I believe that I have managed to do this. The photograph as a slightly surreal, unnatural look to it, but the curves made by the water are strong, so the image works.
The next photograph is of a seeming abandoned boat on the mud at Maldon in Essex.
1/125, f20, 95mm |
The original image had more of the foreground in view and some other channels formed in the mud by the water. I made various crops, settling on this as the final version. The large 'S' formed in the mud draws the eye along it towards the old decaying boat, and indeed back from the boat as well. Black and White lends itself well to this picture adding to the sense of decay.
10 secs, f22, 14mm |
This is a long exposure of a dual carriageway at night. Although the majority of the lines painted by the passing traffic is straight, the eye is drawn to the curve and this forms the focal point of the image. The static orange lights also help draw the eye to the curve as well. The image gives the sense of movement, almost of water flowing, even though there is nothing in the picture that can be seen to be moving.
The fourth image is of the roof at the British Museum. A very impressive construction, made of nothing but straight lines, but, viewed with a wide lens, projects a very pronounced curve.
1/500, f18, 18mm |
The eye is drawn in towards the tightening curve, which radiates out to dominate the picture. The curved wall on the right of the picture reinforces this, providing a graceful lead into the tightening focal point where all the lines of the roof appear to converge.
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